Safety Council of South West Louisiana

Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana provides a wide range of training and educational materials, programs and services for industrial, commercial and government clients. From site specific plant safety orientations to custom designed community safety programs, the Safety Council of Southwest Louisiana is your partner in working to reduce work and home related accidents and injuries. We provide ongoing service to our customers; by offering health & safety information; training services; cost effective industrial health & safety training programs and support to our courts and law enforcement agencies for management of court mandated training & community service programs, while recognizing that service to our customers is our purpose and continuous improvement in how we provide that service is key to our success.

Safety Council of South West Louisiana
Phone: (337) 436-8809
Contact: Mason Lindsay
1201 Ryan Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601
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Area of Operation
Soutwest Louisiana
Safety training, drug testing, industrial and commercial training, program development, consulting, manage court mandated training and community service programs.
Listed in:
Training Consultant
Updated: Jul 20, 2010

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