Safetysmith Inc

Consulting and training for small to medium-sized businesses in chemicals, plastics, coatings, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, warehousing, utilities, retail trade and construction. Areas of expertise include: EHS Information Management, Accident Investigation, OSHA Recordkeeping, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Ergonomics, Industrial Hygiene, Safety Committees, Safety Training, Hazard Assessment and Analysis, Hazard Communication, Rules, Policies and Procedures, Hazardous Energy Control, Safe Work Permits, Contractor Safety Programs, Construction Safety, and Hand Injury Prevention. Specializes in: Safety Program development, implementation, effectiveness measurement and improvement; training design, development and delivery; facility inspections and audits; verbal and written communications and special projects.

Safetysmith Inc
Phone: 215-859-1165
Contact: Rich Grandzol, CSP, CET
121 W Oakland Ave
Doylestown, PA 18901
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Area of Operation
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, West Virginia
Needs-based, targeted safety training and general safety program support.
Listed in:
Training Consultant
Updated: Aug 21, 2010

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