Aspire Environmental Services (Asbestos | Lead | Mold | Safety | Training | Industrial Hygiene)

Aspire Environmental was established in 2002 by current owner Steven LaMon. Mr. LaMon has over ten years experience performing industrial hygiene sampling for worker exposure to chemicals, noise, confined space, lead and asbestos. His past employment history includes industrial hygiene department manager for the western region of the U.S. for a national consulting company, managing staff, clients and project related financials. He is certified in both asbestos and lead-based paint consulting and has successfully managed hundreds of mold, asbestos, lead, indoor air quality, water intrusion, and due diligence projects. Typical services provided inspections, reporting of findings and developing remediation specifications. As an OSHA authorized outreach instructor, Mr. LaMon teaches 10 and 30 hour Construction Safety courses, as well providing occupational health and safety training on many other topics. Courses include 16-hour Asbestos Operations and Maintenance, Lead Awareness, Asbestos Awareness, Hazard Communication, Respiratory Protection, and Mold Remediation. In addition, Mr. LaMon spent a decade in the building trades with general and electrical contractors as a carpenter and electrician working on all sizes and phases of commercial, industrial and residential projects. Positions included construction superintendent for 10-15 mid size restaurants, overseeing subcontractors and coordinating inspections. Successfully led 10-15 person crew of electricians during lighting retrofit project in operating department stores (Nordstroms, Ross Dress for Less) , responsible for crew conduct and client satisfaction. Currently, Aspire Environmental is expanding its training services. Please contact us for additional details on how we can provide cost effective environmental and OSHA compliance solutions.

Aspire Environmental Services (Asbestos | Lead | Mold | Safety | Training | Industrial Hygiene)
Phone: 949-278-1975
Contact: Steven LaMon
16458 Bolsa Chica Street #236
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
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Area of Operation
Based in Southern California.
A Southern California environmental health & safety consulting company specializing in: Asbestos | Mold | Lead | Safety | Training | Industrial Hygiene
Updated: Jun 20, 2011

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