Safety Harnesses

Fall protection harnesses are an important piece of fall protection equipment.

Safety harnesses are the most crucial piece of equipment for any work-at-height job. We provide the best selection of OSHA and ANSI-compliant full body harnesses to help you and your workers to get the job done and return home safely.

Choose your safety harness from different sizes, styles, buckles, and materials that work for construction, welding, wind energy, and more. We carry the best full-body harnesses from top brands: Guardian Fall Protection, DBI Sala, Miller, FallTech, and MSA Safety.

Have a question about safety harnesses? Contact our Fall Protection Specialists for personalized help.

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Choosing a Safety Harness

With hundreds of different fall protection harnesses on the market it may seem a bit overwhelming to try and find the right one for you. Not everyone will need to carry 50 lbs. of tools on a rooftop and not everyone will need their harness to be able to withstand extreme heat, so let's breakdown the various kind of harnesses and try to narrow down which one may work best for you.

Size and Weight

Not all harnesses are universal harnesses or come in XL+ sizes and unless specified are not rated for more than 300 lbs. of total capacity. So if the total weight of a worker and their tools will exceed 300 lbs. you need to purchase a heavy-weight harness.

Frequency of Use and Comfort

If you will only use your fall protection harness a few times a year and you will only be working in fall restraint a basic harness like Guardian's Velocity harness may suit your needs. However if you ever plan on working in fall arrest and/or will be using your harness on a regular basis we recommend looking at a harness like Guardian's Cyclone harness. It is more of a premium harness and ideal for a variety of applications, including Fall Arrest, Work Positioning, Rescue, and Rope Access.

Specialized Harnesses for Specific Industries

If you work in a specialized industry your requirements and the features you need will vary. For example, there are special harnesses for welding that are designed to withstand extreme heat. Some safety harnesses come with body belts, and some have different connection points. Not all harnesses are designed to these specifications, so please take the time to look through our safety harnesses and talk with our experts to make sure you are getting the right harness for your industry.

FAQ on Safety Body Harnesses

How do fall protection harnesses work?

A safety harness is attached to a lanyard or retractable and secured to an anchor for support. Harnesses are specifically designed that in the event of a fall, a worker will remain suspended upright while they await rescue and fall forces will be distributed throughout the body, significantly reducing the chances of injury. Harnesses are also designed to be comfortably worn for long periods. Harnesses can also be used in a fall restraint system to prevent workers from reaching a point where a fall could occur.

When should I replace my harness?

Many fall protection harnesses have an expiration date. This date can normally be found on the tag attached to the harness. No harness should be used if it has passed the manufacturer's specified expiration date unless the manufacturer says otherwise. If a harness has been involved in a fall or shows any signs of wear that would impact its ability to protect the wearer it should be destroyed and replaced immediately. Please note, this is a general guideline. You will need to refer to the manufacturer's documentation for specific information about the shelf-life and proper use of the harness you choose to purchase.

How often do I need to inspect my harness?

All harnesses should be inspected prior to each use by the person who will be using the harness and should be inspected at least every six months by a competent person other than the person who will be using the harness. Establishing these types of routines is important and vital to the protection and safety of the user.

At what height do you need to wear a safety harness?

Safety harnesses are just one form of fall protection, but according to OSHA 1910.28(b)(1)(i), general industry requires fall protection for any worker over 4 feet. OSHA 1926.501(b)(1) relating to the construction industry, fall protection is required for anyone working over 6 feet.

Do I need a front D-ring?

Front D-rings on full body harnesses are used only for ladder- type fall arrestors, work positioning, travel restraint or rescue.

When are side D-rings required?

Side D-rings are often used for positioning only. Side rings are commonly used when the worker must have his or her hands free for a task.

What is special about a construction safety harness?

A construction harness often includes more padding, side d-rings, and a back pad/belt for added comfort. Construction harnesses usually feature a safety belt for carrying additional tools.

How do I choose a buckle type for my safety harness?

The right buckle for you comes down to personal preference. The Tongue Buckle is essentially the same buckle type you will find on a belt. It is adjusted by pulling the strap through the buckle and locking it in place by connecting the tongue through a grommet on the strap. The Pass-Through is composed of two metal plates, one passing through the other to create a secure connection while working at heights. The Quick Connect Buckle is just like a seat-belt in a car. It is very efficient and requires the least amount of effort to make a secure connection.
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Julian Adams
Fall Protection Specialist
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Fall Protection Specialist
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