Teqniqal Systems

Stage and Arena Rigging systems design, assesments, inspections. Venue Safety Assessments 'from the street to the alley' to provide safety improvement planning for staff and facilities for the benefit of the audience, performers, and crews. We also provide design and assessments for other technical production systems including Sound, Video, Projection, Draperies, AV controls, Orchestra Lifts, and Stage Machinery. Architectural guidance includes production & support space planning, catwalk and follow spotlight deck layout, sightline studies and seating plan layouts, acoustics, noise control, and much more. Also visit us at: www.TheatreSafetyBlog.blogspot.com

Teqniqal Systems
Phone: 817-249-4024
Contact: Erich Friend
P.O. Box 126287
Fort Worth, TX 76126
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All the world's a stage....
Consultants Specializing in Performing Arts Technology and Safety
Updated: Dec 17, 2009

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