O/E Learning

SafetyIMPACT! (www.safety-impact.com) SafetyIMPACT! is a culture-based safety system designed to reduce worker injuries and lower costs through the implementation of six values and four practices common to the world’s safest companies. Central to this system is a proprietary database that records hazards, identifies the root causes of these hazards, and tracks them to correction. The philosophy that is the foundation of SafetyIMPACT! is that all injuries can be prevented by identifying and removing the hazards before workers are injured. O/E Learning, Inc. (www.oe.com) Established in 1984, O/E Learning designs and develops new training and performance improvement programs, as well as converts existing programs to different forms of delivery including Web-based, instructor-led, virtual classroom, CD/DVD, and mobile devices. O/E’s diverse services range from organizational development initiatives to professional certifications in safety, quality, and employee involvement. The privately held company is headquartered in Troy, MI. Leverage Life, a wholly owned subsidiary, is headquartered in Pleasanton, CA and focuses on providing corporate Concierge, Wellness, and Work/Life programs. Learn more about O/E at: www.oe.com.

O/E Learning
Phone: 248.816.4442
Contact: Phil La Duke
2125 Butterfield, Suite 300N
Troy, MI 48084
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Area of Operation
Provide SafetyIMPACT! a revolutionary new Safety Management Process that is data and technology driven and sustainable. We also offer OSHA accepted on-line training, third-party auditing, and safety Kiosks
Updated: Jan 05, 2010

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