Lewellyn Technology, Inc.

No one should lose their life trying to make a living. This is a foundational belief that has guided Lewellyn Technology since its founding in 1993, and continues to direct our operations today. Lewellyn was founded by current President and CEO Daryn Lewellyn as a company specializing in electrical maintenance training. Himself a former electrical maintenance worker, Lewellyn saw the need to fill a training vacuum in the profession by starting a company offering practical training to maintenance people, taught by practical instructors. There were four questions used to develop the training programs that still guide us today, and place us at the forefront of training providers in nation: If we have only a short time to talk to maintenance people, and when leaving they must be better at their jobs than when they arrived, what do we tell them? What do maintenance people spend most of their time doing? What must they know to do their jobs effectively? What can we do to make them better troubleshooters, reduce downtime, and make them safer? The company eventually grew to an on-site training venture with expanded reach and capabilities, and with the expanded trust of its clients. This evolution was hastened by the publication of the National Fire Protection Association standard 70E, which has become the national consensus standard for protecting employees from electrical hazards including arc flash and shock. As more companies begin to realize the importance of understanding 70E and its role in protecting employees and OSHA compliance, they turn to Lewellyn for answers. Today, our founder spends much of his time travelling the country hosting free seminars to educate safety personnel on 70E. Lewellyn Technology’s Arc Flash Analyses are among the most thorough, comprehensive and results-oriented in the business. The reason is simple: We value safety over compliance. The main goal of an arc flash analysis is to protect employees. If this is accomplished, compliance will take care of itself. There are ways to cut corners and appear compliant yet still put your employees at risk; Lewellyn is uncompromising in its refusal to do so. That is why we conduct a thorough assessment of the facilities we analyze, use cutting edge technology to identify the hazards, and most importantly, provide our clients with recommendations on how to fix them. We follow-up to ensure you are keeping your people safe and we are transparent in our motivation: We don’t sell any of the products we recommend you purchase to mitigate electrical hazards. It’s a transparent approach that’s becoming increasingly hard to come by in this business. To date, Lewellyn has improved the staffs of more than 45,000 companies through our arc flash and maintenance programs. The size of our operation rests in the sweet spot between being large enough to handle any client’s project, yet small enough to give each project the personal attention it deserves. True to our roots, we are passionate about providing our clients with a safe, efficient operation in which both the employee and the employer thrive. That is how we improve workplace safety and performance.

Lewellyn Technology, Inc.
Phone: 800.242.6673
Contact: Jay Smith, Jr.
PO Box 618
Linton, IN 47441
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Area of Operation
United States
Lewellyn Technology is a national leader in arc flash analysis and electrical safety training. We pride ourselves in offering the most comprehensive electrical safety solutions for our clients. We improve workplace safety and performance.
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Training Consultant
Updated: Jan 11, 2010

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