RGA Environmental, Inc.

Founded in 1985, RGA is a premier provider of industrial hygiene, health/safety and hazardous materials consulting. In addition we provide a full range of open enrollment training classes at our facilities in both Seattle and the SF Bay area. Through our on-line training portal clients can choose from well over 200 additional health/safety classes. Our safety consultants average 20+ years of experience including significant field experience as inspectors for both WA state Labors/Industry and Cal-OSHA. RGA provides safety consultants on both a retainer basis as well as on a consulting basis. Safety services include: site inspections, audits, accident investigations, job hazard analysis, training and compliance review. Regularly scheduled training classes include: Asbestos Worker and Supervisor, Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, Asbestos Project Designer, Lead Inspector, Risk Assessor, Lead Renovator, Lead Dust Sampling Technician, Hazwoper, Hawoper Supervisor, and Hazmat DOT.

RGA Environmental, Inc.
Phone: 206 281-8858
Contact: Wendy Newell
1730 Minor Ave Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98101
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Area of Operation
RGA is primarily doing business on the West Coast but has the capabilities of traveling to locations throughout the world.
RGA provides a full range of training and consulting services such as safety, industrial hygiene, and hazardous materials to a broad range of clients. All of our services are conducted under the supervision of Certified Industrial Hygienists.
Updated: Feb 09, 2010

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