Sentry Roofing, Inc.

Sentry Roofing has been in business 26 years specializing in single ply membrane re-roofing for commercial/industrial clients. We have successful installations nationwide including Hawaii. Our services include in-depth roof inspections and analysis reports, repairs and maintenance to prolong existing roof life, and roof replacement. We excel in developing long term client relationships and strive to help our customers keep their annual costs for owning and maintaining a roof as low as possible by installing the best and longest lasting roof systems available. Our proposals are detailed, including specific information on existing roof conditions, full explanation for all work proposed, warranty information, referrals, and site safety plan. The project will be planned carefully to avoid disruption to ongoing business and staff at your facility. We specialize in re-roofing and know how to work with you to minimize the impact of major construction projects. We also provide OSHA required safety devices for roof hatches, screens for skylights, and execute projects in conformance with the highest safety standards. Thank you for considering us for your next roofing project! Gene Fowler President Sentry Roofing, Inc. 800-446-2133

Sentry Roofing, Inc.
Phone: 800-446-2133
Contact: Gene, Dan, Tim, Aaron
3245 US 136 West
Covington, IN 47932
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Area of Operation
Commercial industrial roofing services including repair, replacement, budget quotes, inspections, service agreements
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Updated: May 05, 2010

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