Newell Machinery Company

Newell Machinery is the largest and most experienced millwright contractor in Iowa. Whether re-lagging a pulley in a grain elevator or installing the National Advanced Driving Simulator, Newell millwrights complete projects on time and at the highest quality. Newell Machinery services and installs a wide range of floor and overhead conveyors, as well as the equipment to keep your operation running smoothly. At Newell Machinery, safety is a team effort involving everyone. It is the goal of our company to provide a quality workmanship done safely. Safety is an integral part of our company philosophy in order to best serve customers like you.

Newell Machinery Company
Phone: 319-393-1610
Contact: Linda Lorenzen
1405 Mitchell Drive
Hiawatha, IA 52233
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Area of Operation
Millwrights specializing in conveyor and grain systems
Millwright and shop services specializing in conveyor and grain systems
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Updated: Jun 25, 2010

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