PIRM Group International, LLC

About Us Pacific Islands Risk Management Group is dedicated to providing effective business improvement strategies for our clients. We are experts in delivering safety, risk management, human resources, security and business improvement services. We provide solutions that are realistic, long-lasting, and embedded to an organization’s culture and operation. Successes and Client Work We are business improvement specialists delivering safety, risk, human resources and security consulting and training services. We have specialties in business development, leadership and management, operations, human resources, risk, safety, and workers' compensation and security. We arrive at solutions in collaboration with our clients. Our risk and safety goal is to save lives, prevent injuries & illnesses, and protect our clients and their employees from harm. ?Value Added Risk, Safety, and Loss Control services delivered on behalf of major insurance Agents, Brokers, and Carriers ?Developed, implemented, and manage a successful Safety Service Program for an Association of Contractors ?Provide Part-time, on-site Safety Professionals for small to medium sized companies ?Workers' Compensation cost reductions through Prevention Efforts and Claims Consulting ?Instructors and facilitators at various certificate and education programs

PIRM Group International, LLC
Phone: 808-385-2729
Contact: SeaRay Beltran
PO Box 1700
Kihei, HI 96753
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Area of Operation
We provide consultation and training in the Mainland, Hawaii, Guam and Micronesia.
We provide services to small, midsized, and large businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. We provide OSHA, NFPA, MUTCD training and consulting.
Updated: Aug 04, 2010

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