Meducation Associates

Meducation Associates bring together experts from the Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials field to provide our clients with comprehensive training and consulting services. We believe in quality, cost effective training. Training capabilities include classroom lecture and text development, field practical application, scenarios and skills labs, table-top, functional and full scale exercises and train the trainer. Some classes can be California State Certified and State certifications issued. Consulting services include Emergency Response Plan development, exercise and validation. We also consult on all aspects of HazMat Team development and training. If it is "Emergency Response to Hazmat" related Meducation Associates can help.

Meducation Associates
Phone: 805-264-4056
Contact: Mark Lodge
P.O. Box 6395
Los Osos, CA 93412
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Area of Operation
Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials preparedness and training. Providing individual and team training, exercises and plan review. Training for 29CFR1910.120(q)Awareness, Operations, Technician, Specialist, Incident Commander, Refresher Training
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Training Consultant
Updated: Aug 04, 2010

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