lrselby Design

Last 6 years developing holistic HSE training programs for high risk biomedical manufacturing sites, completed exhaustive front end analysis for Process Safety Management training program. Master's degree in Educational Technology from San Diego State University, Certified Instructional Technologist (NESHTA), Human Performance Improvement certificate (ASTD). Expert developer using blended learning performance improvement strategies that include Leader-Led classes and Computer-based Training (CBT) with a variety of authoring applications.

lrselby Design
Phone: 317.916-8648
Contact: Lorenzo Selby
922 Noble Street
Indianapolis, IN 46203
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Area of Operation
Located in Indianapolis, IN; telecommute.
15 years instructional design and development specializing in Health, Safety, and Environmental in high risk manufacturing facilities, particularly Process Safety Management.
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Training Consultant
Updated: Aug 05, 2010

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