Complete Health, Environmental & Safety Services, Inc. (CHESS, Inc.)is a small, women-owned safety/health/environmental consulting company. We work primarily with small to medium-sized companies, helping them with OSHA compliance, dealing with hazardous waste and other environmental regulations, and with improving employee safety and health overall. CHESS was started in 1993 when sisters Carol and Janet Keyes realized there was a strong need for small to medium sized businesses to get help with their safety programs without having to hire a full-time safety director. Janet’s background and training as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) put her emphasis on preventing injuries in the workplace. Carol had been working in the workers’ compensation arena, as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor(CRC)/Certified Case Manager (CCM), seeing the impact that injuries can have on workers\' lives. Our goal is to provide comprehensive, quality safety consulting and training at prices that are affordable to all companies. We can help with: • OSHA and regulatory compliance • Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (Minnesota\'s AWAIR program), including OSHA-required written programs • Safety training, on topics such as Right to Know/Hazard Communication, first aid/CPR/AED, fire safety and fire extinguisher use, bloodborne pathogens.... • Hazard Assessments, including noise and chemical exposure assessments, job hazard analyses, and ergonomic evaluations • Injury Management • Minnesota OSHA Workplace Consultation safety grants

Phone: 651-481-9787
Contact: Carol Keyes
7060 Valley Creek Plaza #115-108
Woodbury, MN 55125
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Area of Operation
Minnesota, Wisconsin primarily. Based in St.Paul-Minneapolis
CHESS specializes in helping companies who don’t have enough safety expertise in-house. We can work with you to develop your safety & health program from scratch, improve what’s there, help with training, or help with specific safety/environmental issues.
Updated: Aug 06, 2010

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