SAFETY WORKS provides qualified, experienced and professional occupational health, safety, and environmental services. You can be assured that our professional approach to safety training and safety analysis will deliver the required services- on time and on-time and in the manner you need. OSHA SAFETY PROGRAMS OFFERED: -Abrasive Blasting -Aerial Lift -Asbestos Exposure -Assured Grounding -Benzene Awareness -Bloodborne Pathogens -Compressed Gas Cylinders -Confined Spaces -Disciplinary -Electrical Safety -H2S -Hand and Power Tools -HazCom -HazWOPER -Ladder Safety -Lead Safety -Lockout/Tagout -Mobile Crane Onshore -NORM -Ionizing Radiation -Powered Trucks -PSM Contractor -Respiratory Protection -Rigging Material Handling -Scaffolding -Short Service Employee -Trenching and Shoring -Water Survival Orientation -Welding and Hot Works

Phone: 888.503.4748
Contact: Cindy Luna
755 Darby
San Antonio, TX 78207
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Area of Operation
San Antonio, Texas Austin, Texas Odessa, Texas Midland, Texas Abilene, Texas South Texas Eastern New Mexico Louisiana Oklahoma Arkansas Colorado Texas
SAFETY WORKS provides on-site safety inspections, audits, training, ISNetworld services, and job site safety analysis. We also provide OSHA 10-Hour, OSHA 30-Hour, and safety meetings. We also provide SafeLand training.
Updated: Aug 20, 2010

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