NVisage Consulting Group, Inc.

We're committed to giving you a vision for safety. NVisage Consulting Group, Inc is committed to helping our clients truly understand and comply with the ever-expanding complexity of government regulations. We do this by providing user friendly services and products for our clients, and their employees. Our staff of diversely experienced professionals works diligently to stay abreast of government regulatory standards and other applicable information to keep client organizations informed, and in compliance. By providing clients with the necessary means to develop and operate their Safety & Health Programs, companies are able to create a safe and healthy work environment for their employees, while increasing quality, production, morale, and profitability. Our Company NVisage Consulting Group, Inc is an Easley, SC based company specializing in Environmental, Health and Safety regulatory compliance assistance. Our group contains a network of specialists in each field related to EH&S to assist companies in meeting the regulatory compliance needs. Our team of consultants pride themselves not only on professionalism and knowledge, but also in being able to develop and deliver a product to the client that is specific to their situation. Our Commitment to You Honesty and professional integrity should never be compromised. Every member of our team is committed to upholding the highest standards of professional integrity, no matter what the job, no matter where in the world. Our Philosophy We believe that safety should be embraced as a core value – not just a top priority. Keeping Safety & Health interwoven into the core of business operations with management commitment, employee participation & educational endeavors, a company will find that success is sustainable across all aspects of their business. We believe that when safety standards become fully ingrained in a company’s culture as a core value, skilled employees are retained, costs are properly controlled, and healthy profits can continue to grow – which in turn ensures the company’s long-term viability. NVisage is committed to providing sound technical support for employers who want to protect their workforce by complying with OSHA standards. Our team of consultants do this by providing first-hand OSHA knowledge and experience that allows employers to gain insight into OSHA procedures, penalties, and standards. Our Team is not just limited to OSHA compliance. We can develop systems and networks within your facility that allow you to effectively and efficiently manage your Environmental Health and Safety program. We offer services in other regulatory areas such as Department of Transportation (DOT), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Hospital Administration (JCAHO) and other areas. In addition to filling any gaps in your existing Environmental Health & Safety Program, We can analyze your program elements in efforts to further improve both effectiveness and efficiency.

NVisage Consulting Group, Inc.
Phone: 864-616-5296
Contact: Brian Godfrey
3504-15 Highway 153
Greenville, SC 29611
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Area of Operation
NVisage primarily covers the Southeast, but has conducted work in many states across the US.
NVisage is a full service EHS consulting company helping small to mid-size companies with safety program development and management, audits, training and project safety management. Our Electrical Engineering division offers Arc Flash analysis and training
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Training Consultant
Updated: Apr 27, 2013

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