Protect Your Home

Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Protect Your Home helps nearly 200,000 people each year find peace of mind through home security protection. We are an all-American company with a national, coast-to-coast footprint so we can reach our customers any time and any where they need home security assistance. All of our installation technicians are Protect Your Home employees, not third-party contractors, so you can count on your Security Advisor to take the time to set up your system properly, help you understand how the system works, and make sure your home and family are thoroughly protected.

Protect Your Home
Phone: 8667238084
Contact: Protect Your Home
3750 Priority Way S Dr
Indianapolis, IN 46240
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Area of Operation
Protect Your Home has several install locations in every state in the US. Look <a href=\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\">here</a> for a full list.
Protect Your Home is one of the largest home security companies in the world. We have more than a hundred installation branches throughout the U.S. supporting and installing home security systems.
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Updated: Mar 19, 2014

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