The Asbestos Institute

The Asbestos Institute, Inc is a complete training center, classroom and information resource dedicated to the asbestos, lead abatement and environmental hazard control industry. The Asbestos Institute, Inc. has received full approval from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for its courses in asbestos management and offers initial EPA accreditation for Contractor/Supervisors, Building Inspectors, Management Planners, and Asbestos Abatement Workers (English and Spanish). We are accredited by Cal-OSHA to offer California certification to anyone attending an initial or refresher asbestos class. Annual refresher courses for the Contractor/Supervisor, Inspector and Management Planner are offered monthly in Phoenix, as well as bi-annually in Tucson and Las Vegas. The Project Designer Course is addressed through annual refreshers with a new initial course now offered.

The Asbestos Institute
Phone: 602.864.6564
Contact: Jeff Oxford
20033 N 19th Ave.
Phoenix, Arizona 85027
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Area of Operation
The Asbestos Institute, Inc also provides on-site training for clients in AZ, NM, CO, UT, NV, CA, nationally and internationally.
Based in Phoenix, Arizona, The Asbestos Institute, Inc. has been providing EPA-accredited training to attendees from all over the world since 1988, the first year of AHERA accredited training in the U.S.
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Updated: Jan 13, 2015

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