Code Red Safety

Code Red Safety has been providing industrial safety personnel, products and training since 1995 when the company was founded. It originally served NW Indiana and NE Illinois from its headquarters in Hammond, IN. Since then, Code Red Safety has grown and added facilities in St. Louis, MO and Houston, TX to serve businesses in those heavily industrialized areas. Our goal is to expand the breadth and scope of our services for customers across the US. Most safety companies promise customer satisfaction, and so do we but Code Red Safety does it by empowering our employees to do whatever it takes to meet your needs. We screen them and train them thoroughly, we give them the tools to do a great job and then, we give them license to deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction in the industry. How does that improve the service you receive? Empowered workers enjoy their careers, are proud of what they do, and work hard to please every day; that results in excellence that our clients notice and appreciate.

Code Red Safety
Phone: 8004995253
Contact: Mike Miller
6205 Indianapolis Blvd
Hammond, IN 46320
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Area of Operation
Code Red Safety has serviced jobs throughout the United States and have 9 locations. Our corporate office stationed in Chicago serves the Steel and Gas Industries mainly based across the Great Lakes and Chicagoland Area. There are Five branches based throu
There are lots of good reasons to outsource your company’s safety needs to the safety manpower professionals at Code Red Safety: cost savings, staffing flexibility, safety regulation compliance, and lawsuit prevention among them. But the best reason of a
Updated: Mar 16, 2015

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