ORR Safety

ORR Safety is a family owned safety distributor representing over 600 industry-leading manufacturers. We provide equipment and services for all aspects of Industrial Safety, Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, and Fire Protection. We have proven programs for Prescription Safety Eyewear, Safety Shoes, Technical Products, On-site Stores, Vending, Rental, Turnarounds, and more.

ORR Safety
Phone: 559-275-6529
Contact: Zach Nelson
3131 S. Northpoint Drive
Fresno, California 93725
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Area of Operation
We offer personal protection equipment to many different industries throughout the United States.
ORR Safety, focused on PROTECTION since 1948, helps outfit your workforce with personal protective equipment from head-to-toe, when and where they need it.
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Updated: Mar 03, 2016

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