Sensori Safety

Sensori Safety leads the charge in revolutionizing workplace safety with cutting-edge AI technology. We specialize in analyzing Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) data, offering a daily forecast that predicts the occurrence, timing, and causes of accidents. Our unique approach transcends traditional methods, providing a forward-looking perspective by delving deep into injury and safety inspection data. We go beyond incident prediction, quantifying the financial impact of historical accidents and estimating recovery times for businesses. This proactive methodology empowers companies to manage risks, make informed decisions, and cultivate a safer working environment. At the core of our innovation, Sensori Safety doesn't just react to incidents; we proactively shape the future. This foresight enables employers to construct strategic plans aimed at preventing the next workplace accident. Leveraging our AI-driven insights, businesses can instill a culture of safety, ensuring the well-being of their workforce and enhancing overall operational resilience. Our technology collaborates with employers to develop Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) strategies, functioning as an assistant AI-Safety Professional. It plays a crucial role in guiding companies on proactive measures to prevent accidents, reinforcing our commitment to transforming safety practices in the workplace. Join Sensori Safety in creating a safer tomorrow through innovative AI solutions.

Sensori Safety
Phone: (502) 292-8192
Contact: Tony Mudd
310 East Broadway, STE 110
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
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Area of Operation
Mid-West Region
* Worker Awareness Testing * Worker Fatigue Monitoring * Worker Hydration Management * Worker Mental Health Surveying
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Training Consultant
Updated: Feb 26, 2024

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