Fall Protection that Every Data Center Needs

Data Center HVAC Platforms

Data centers are a crucial component of our society.

As more continue to be built every year, it’s important that we look at the risks to those who maintain them. After all, we need those data centers to be running at peak efficiency.

Every business needs to be concerned about working at height. However, data centers tend to provide more opportunity for these risks. With all the mechanical units needed to keep one running, this comes as no surprise.

Here is the fall protection that every data center needs to run smoothly.

Safe Access Platforms for Data Centers

Data Center Crossover Platforms

These are not your software or security programs.

I’m referring to the work at height platforms needed to work on and gain access to the various mechanical units that data centers need, like backup generators.

Industrial Backup Generator Access Platforms

The backup generator is one of the most critical components in data center operations. Backup generators kick in if a power outage occurs to prevent server downtime. Regular preventative maintenance, like checking fuel and lubrication, will ensure that it runs properly when the time comes to need it.

These are not your backyard generators you’d use to power your house. They are large, as they need to be. After all, they need to provide power to thousands of servers. When generators are this big, you need a safe means of gaining access to them.

Generator access platforms give you that access. Using an a-frame ladder would not be a wise way to maintain these large units.

A steel access platform will give maintenance workers a stable and wide work surface. Guardrails on the platform will protect the workers from falls at height, allowing them to focus on doing the job right. Stairs on the platform make it easier to transport tools and equipment for use in generator upkeep.

RTU Access Platforms

Alongside backup generators, HVAC units are just as important.

Think about how hot your laptop gets after being used for an hour. Data centers generate exponentially more heat.

Keeping data centers cool is a tall order. The number of HVACs required to do this is much larger than your typical office building.  When the size of these units is bigger, safe access is needed.

Just like generators, access platforms provide a stable surface for your maintenance team to change filters and perform other required maintenance.

Most HVACs will be on the roof. This can create a complication with platforms if they are not designed to protect your roof. Non-penetrating rooftop access platforms eliminate troof penetrations required to provide safe access. This means less effort to maintain a waterproof facility.

After all, water and electronics do not play well together.

Cross Over Platforms

With many rooftop units comes an increased amount of conduit and ductwork on the roof. If safe access is not provided, then there is a chance of workers stepping and climbing on them to get where they need to be. This can potentially damage whenever workers are climbing on, causing units to malfunction.

Rooftop crossover platforms allow your team to have safe ways of traversing the rooftop. You can also use these on the ground where pipes and other obstacles exist, especially around the generators.

Rooftop platforms can also be non-penetrating to further provide safer and more waterproof access.

Guardrails for Data Centers

Data Center Rooftop Guardrail

Guardrails have multiple functions in data centers. They can protect workers from fall hazards, equipment from impacts, and guide personnel to appropriate locations.

Rooftop Edge Guardrails

One of the most common uses of a guardrail is to protect workers from fall hazards. Accessing the many rooftop HVACs will expose workers to falls near the roof edge.

Guardrails are required around any rooftop hatch or above any dangerous equipment, like a backup generator. They are the preferred form of fall protection at the roof edge when you can’t eliminate the fall hazard.

However, you don’t just want any guardrail. After all, sealing the roof at every guardrail post will drastically increase the chances of leaks. A non-penetrating guardrail will protect the worker without compromising the roof.

Just make sure that the non-penetrating guardrail is designed for permanent use. Make sure that it is up to snuff with local wind loads so you don’t have to worry about flying yellow guardrail crashing into your backup generator.

Impact barriers for Important Ground Units

Impact barriers are guardrails that help protect generators from nearby traffic. These are crucial if you have any sort of traffic near your backup generator or ground-based HVAC units.

The safety yellow color will also help drivers see where they should not be going or when to be extra careful if they must be nearby.

Pedestrian Barriers for Data Centers

Protecting access to your generators is important. You may need security fencing to do that. However, if you don’t have public access to your facility, then a standard two-rail guardrail could be just what you need.

This will help unnecessary traffic from finding its way near key mechanical units. Self-closing safety gates will give access to those who need to be on the other side.

How Simplified Safety Can Help You Protect Workers in a Data Center

Data Center Generator Platform

Project timelines can be difficult to manage when things inevitably change on the job site. This may mean you no longer have time to wait for a fabricated option and need a solution that you can get on site quickly that still provides the level of strength and durability you promised.

Or your data center may begin operation before the appropriate fall protection and safe access has been installed.

We can help you design systems that can be easily transported to the appropriate locations without long fabrication lead times.

Using pipe and fittings, it is easy for your staff, who have already passed security, to carry the necessary components and install the platforms or guardrails where you need them.

This also means that you don’t need to maneuver large sections of steel around expensive and critical mechanical units. That can be installed in tight spaces or around unique obstacles.

We also provide non-penetrating solutions, from platforms to guardrails. We've already talked about the importance of maintaining the integrity of your roof. Non-penetrating solutions mean that you can still provide a safe and quality solution, even after your data center is operational.

Taking the Next Step

Data centers are large, complex facilities. Your fall protection doesn’t need to be.

Contact our fall protection experts with any questions you have or if you’re ready to design fall protection solutions for your data center.

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