Configurable Crossover Work Platform

Starting Price: $6,069.82


5' Bridge w/ Handrails   + $2,345.18
Typically ships in
14 Business Days

Price as configured: $0.00

plus minus
Model: SAP-CO
*Contact us for a more customized solution.

Product Description

The Configurable Crossover Work Platform provides a safe solution to crossing over obstructions that include pipes, air ducts, roof gaps, and changing elevations. The platform is configurable in number of steps on each side to allow for crossing vary roof heights or other applicable obstructions.

Powder coating is available upon request.


Configurable to Your Specific Application

The platform can be configured to have different step requirements on each side to accommodate for varying roof heights. This allows workers safe access when crossing between roof elevation changes.

Adjustable in Height

The platform can be adjusted slightly in height to fit your desired application.

Ready to Go Platform

The Configurable Crossover Platform is a ready to go work platform solution. In just a matter of a few days, you can have a work platform that suits your desired application perfectly and keeps people safe.

A Weather Resistant, Long Lasting Solution

All fittings and pipe components used in the platform have been hot tip galvanized making them resistant to corrosion. The results are a work platform that can be used in harsh, wet environments yet stay free from the deadly signs of rust for many years to come.

Easy Assembly, Easy Install

The Configurable Crossover Platform is simple to install requiring just a few basic tools to assemble. No specialized labor needed. No hassle. Just a simple solution that goes up in no time.

Minimal Shipping Costs

Unlike fabricated systems, our work platforms can be shipped unassembled or semi-assembled to save you money on shipping costs.

This Product is OSHA Compliant

This product is safety critical. This product must only be used by a competently trained individual. Read the instructions for use completely before using this product.

How to Configure

Configurable Crossover Platform Configurable Crossover Platform Configurable Crossover Platform


The Configurable Crossover Platform can be used in a variety of applications that include crossing over pipe, air ducts, and changing elevations. In the examples pictured, you can see how the platform is configurable in the number of steps on each side to accommodate for the specific application. The platform can also be combined with a bridge or walkway platform to form a complete safe access solution.


Configurable Crossover Platform Configurable Crossover Platform Configurable Crossover Platform


Crossover Stair Dimensions

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