Companies Can Now be Cited for PPE Violations on the Individual Level

CSP, Teddi Penewell, has pointed out that OSHA has modified the rules for PPE violations so that instead of being issued one fine for a PPE violation, a company can be issued as many violations as there are employees who are unprotected.  Heres what she had to say:

OSHA has issued its final rule allowing the agency to cite employers on a "per employee basis" for failure to provide/train/wear/use required personal protective equipment. 

"In this rulemakeing, OSHA is amending its standards to add language clarifying that the personal protective equipment (PPE) and training requirements impose a compliance duty to each and every employee covered by the standards and that noncompliance may expose the employer to liability on a per-employee basis." 

If you want to read the Final PPE rule in its entirety, go to

To clarify:

An employer has 10 employees working in an area where respirators (or hard hats, or gloves, etc.) are required and employer failed to provide ppe.  This would not be 1 violation, but 10 (1 violation for each worker) along with 10 accompanying penalties.

In comparison to: 10 employees working in an excavation without shoring, OSHA would write one citation and one penalty.

Better to spend a few dollars up front, protect workers and avoid severe penalties for failing to provide PPE.

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