Hardnox LLC

Hardnox LLC was started in 1997, by general contractor Jim Echternacht, when he found his crews struggling with heavy, over sized door installation. Echternacht invented a portable, heavy-duty door installation cart, the DoorJak, which has revolutionized the way people install and repair doors and hardware. Hardnox LLC currently sells two models of the DoorJak cart, which are rated to handle steel, fire rated, solid core, and commercial grade doors. The heavy-duty DoorJak 100 is rated to handle doors up to 750lbs while the sturdy and portable DoorJak50 can handle doors and wall panels up to 250lbs. This product significantly reduces the risk of job site injury and potentially cuts the cost of worker’s compensation while helping to satisfy OSHA federal regulations for lifting in the workplace.

Hardnox LLC
Phone: (805) 687-0053
Contact: Jim or Ian Echternacht
1721 Santa Barbara Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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Safety Tools in the United States and Canada
Hardnox LLC is a family-owned innovative tool company based out of Santa Barbara, CA. We sell construction safety products like drywall carts and lifts, scaffolding carts & utility scaffold packages etc.; we are well known for selling the DoorJak product.
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Updated: Jan 07, 2010

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