PBM Training Services

PBM Training Service: Established 1998 in Baton Rouge, LA GOAL: To assist small business in employer compliance with safety and health regulations and to train emmployees in the value of workplace safety. Safety and Health Training: OSHA Outreach Construction and General Industry. Certified Ocupational Safety Specialist COSS Lead Instructor Competent Person Training for the following OSHA requirements: Fall Protection Excavations Scaffold Use General Safety and Health Regulations JSA Lock Out Tag Out Permit Required Confined Space Services: Consulting, Developing Safety and Health Management Systems, Directing VPP Compliance, Safety Program Audits, OSHA Consultation, Developing Safety and Health Polocies and Procedures. Specialty: Fall Protection Systems including Horizontal Lifeline Design and Inspection and Training Work closely with the following Safety Councils: Baton Rouge, Houston, Decatur, Alabama, Orlando, Toledo, Ohio, and Midland, Michigan OFFICE Phone: 225-336-5550

PBM Training Services
Phone: 225-337-3878
Contact: Rightor Cobb
P.O. Box 3
Saint Gabriel, LA 70776
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Area of Operation
Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi
PBM has trained employers and employees in OSHA standards and requirements since 1998. We are OSHA Outreach Authorized Trainers, Competent Person Trainers, Safety and Health Consultants to small and medium size companies.
Listed in:
Training Consultant
Updated: Jun 28, 2010

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