The Center for Construction Research and Training

CPWR leads national training programs focused on improving construction industry occupational safety and health and environmental remediation, reaching well over 50,000 workers per year. The U.S. construction industry presents serious challenges for delivery of contractor, foreman, or worker training. More than 80% of construction establishments have fewer than 10 employees, and more than 90% have fewer than 20 employees. Delivery of training through multi-employer joint labor-management trusts shares the cost of training a local pool of skilled workers.

The Center for Construction Research and Training
Phone: (301) 578-8500
Contact: Jean Chistophe Le
8484 Georgia Ave, Suite 1000
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Area of Operation
Non-profit created by the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. Since the inception of research initiatives in 1990, CPWR has become an international leader in applied research, training, and service to the construction industry.
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Training Consultant
Updated: Jun 28, 2010

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