Safety Equipped, Inc.

With over a decade's worth of experience in all types of safety and equipment training, Safety Equipped offers courses in OSHA 10 Hour and OSHA 30 Hour and OSHA On-line Training in New York and New England, forklift handling, and boom lift use. For every class we offer, our instructor works closely with each and every student to ensure that they not only pass the course but also are adequately trained to handle the various safety issues for construction and industry sites. Here at Safety Equipped, each one of our courses is specially designed to meet the needs of all our students. We use a combination of classroom instruction, video presentations, hands-on training, and written evaluations along with personal experiences and discussions on specific topics and class participation to keep each student involved in the class. And to help make these courses more accessible, you can schedule a class to be taught by our instructor specifically for your company or organize a time according to our calendar. This way, if you need OSHA 10 Hour training or equipment training in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and Maine or in another region, we can ensure that Safety Equipped is ready to help you. Or, you can check out our online courses to help you receive your certification even sooner. All classes will provide you with the credentials necessary to continue safely and soundly in your work.

Safety Equipped, Inc.
Phone: (508) 332-8959
Contact: Bill Kershaw
61 Eisenhower Rd
Swansea, MA 02777
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Area of Operation
Safety Equipped, Inc.: Offering OSHA Training For New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Beyond.
Safety Equipped, Inc. offers the following types of training: OSHA 10 Hour, Forklifts, Aerialift, Confined Space, Excavation, Fall Protection, and we also offer Written Safety Plans.
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Training Consultant
Updated: Jun 28, 2010

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