Katt Training & Consulting

We offer a wide range of training, focusing on safety and environmental compliance courses. Our courses are designed around your facilities needs and situation. We engage your employees by simulating their job tasks and making the classroom interactive. In addition to traditional classroom training, we develop customized computer based training courses. We also offer Trainer Development programs designed to reenergize trainers and refine their skills. We also offer comprehensive solutions for companies struggling with safety and environmental compliance. Katt Training & Consulting can perform a site audit to determine your level of compliance with applicable Federal and State OSHA regulations. We also perform audits focusing on both Federal and State environmental regulations. We will issue a confidential, detailed report that may help you avoid an injury or a fine. We have experience with many types of organizations, ranging from hospitals, manufacturing plants, construction companies to universities. We also can develop written programs and procedures to help your organization comply with both safety and environmental regulatory requirements. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Katt Training & Consulting
Phone: 203-882-9293
Contact: Bill Katt
37 Timber Trail
Milford, CT 06460
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Area of Operation
Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and the rest of the United States
Environmental Health and Safety training and consulting
Listed in:
Training Consultant
Updated: Aug 03, 2010

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