EOH Consulting

WHY EOH CONSULTING? * Customer focus * Cost-effective and sustainable programs * Clear communications * Credentials including CIH, CET, CHMM, and HEM OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SERVICES: * Training: On-site, virtual, train-the-trainer * Exposure control and risk management * Environmental, health, and safety audit * Joint Commission accreditation * OSHA standards and inspections * EPA permitting and reporting * Customized policy and procedure manuals * Emergency preparedness * Workplace and facility Design * Human factors engineering * Safety Programs: - Hazard communication - Fall protection - Confined space - Lockout/tagout - Hearing conservation - Personal protective equipment - Respiratory protection and fit testing - Laboratory safety and chemical hygiene - Thermal stress prevention - Fire safety - Safe patient/resident handling - Hazardous materials management - Incident investigation

EOH Consulting
Phone: +1 727.525.3883
Contact: Margaret Wan
500 37th Avenue North
Saint Petersburg, FL 33704
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Area of Operation
Our primary service areas are North and South America, Asia, and Europe.
We help businesses increase productivity and profitability by identifying, evaluating, and controlling hazards in the workplace. Our certified trainers provide employee training and train-the-trainer training in occupational health and safety.
Updated: Aug 04, 2010

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