ICON Training Materials of Iowa, Inc

ICON Training Materials of Iowa, Inc produce, and distribute for other producer's, video based training courses in several topic areas. The primary areas we can cover are Safety, Security, Human Resource Development, Manager and Supervisory Training and Environmental Protection training. We also offer interactive training modules, streaming video files, and we can even sell portions of over 60 of our own programs for people that want to build their own computer interactive courses and need some video footage to enhance the training.

ICON Training Materials of Iowa, Inc
Phone: 5159846282 x 202
Contact: Rick McGrath
804 Roosevelt Street
Polk City, IA 50226
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Area of Operation
USA, Canada,
For 19 years I have helped clients find Safety Training videos that are best suited to train their employees with
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Training Consultant
Updated: Jul 28, 2021

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