Entek Consulting Group, Inc.

Hazardous Materials and Industrial Hygiene Consulting Services specializing in exposure assessment, asbestos (including naturally occurring asbestos), lead, mold, indoor air quality, hospital infection control and construction safety. Cradle to grave hazardous materials management services from survey to abatement monitoring and final clearance. Compliance plans, expert witness and training services available. All work is overseen by Certified Industrial Hygienists and Certified Safety Professionals. Clients include contractors, public agencies (schools, universities, utilities), hospitals and private companies. Extensive experience with CalTrans and other roadway agencies, especially with regards to lead compliance plans, naturally occurring asbestos dust mitigation and hazardous materials training.

Entek Consulting Group, Inc.
Phone: 916-632-6800
Contact: Jodi Smith
4200 Rocklin Road
Rocklin, CA 95677
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Area of Operation
California, Nevada
Hazardous Materials and Industrial Hygiene Consulting Services
Listed in:
Training Consultant
Updated: Apr 17, 2015

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